

Destination: Art Levels of Membership


Associate Member – Open Enrollment 

·       Exhibit in Associates’ Only Show
Once per year (Entry fee)
·       May enroll in classes and workshops at 10% discount
·       Paint-ins on Tuesday 

·       Annual membership fee of $50
·       20% Contribution of any artwork sold
·       Participate in running of Associates’ Show

Juried Gallery Artist
·       Exhibit and change work on a regular basis
·       1 year commitment
o   $60/month
·       Exhibit in Members’ Shows
·       10% off classes and workshops
·       Must be juried in.
·       First and Last month’s fee due with application ($120)
·       20% Contribution of artwork sold
·       Gallery sit when scheduled
·       Must hold Job(s) at Destination: Art
·       Must attend all General Meetings
·       Must have resale license
·       Work shown must be in accordance with Gallery policies and guidelines
·       Must partake in additional requests for help in Destination: Art activities
·       Expected to participate in outside activities of Destination: Art

Juried Studio Artist – 6 Studios Available
·       Dedicated studio space, approx. 10x20sq ft
·       Including constant exhibition space within
·       Rates: 1 year commitment
-  Single Occupancy: $500/month ($1000 due with application)
- Double Occupancy: $270/month each ($540 due with application)
-  Triple Occupancy: $180/month each ($360 due with application
·       May exhibit in Members’ Show
·       10% off classes
·       Must be juried in.
·       20% Contribution of Artwork sold
·       Gallery sit when scheduled
·       Must hold Job(s) at Destination: Art
·       Must attend General Meetings when scheduled
·       Must partake in additional requests for help in Destination: Art activities
·       Expected to participate in outside activities of Destination: Art
·       Must have resale license

Destination: Art Quality Guide - Click Here

Corporate Bylaws - Click Here